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Advisory Services

M3T Consulting offers a multitude of consultancy services in enterprise risk and operational risk management to firms, Financial Institutions conventional and Islamic, including:

  • ✓ Specific Risks to Islamic Banks
  • ✓ Risk Frameworks design and review, including Policies and Procedures
  • ✓ Assistance in Risk Management Systems from selection to implementation
  • ✓ Risk and Control Self-Assessments (RCSA)
  • ✓ Risk Appetite and Key Risks Indicators (KRI)
  • ✓ Risk Taxonomy and Internal Control Framework
  • ✓ Risk Culture
  • ✓ Regulatory Compliance reviews and implementation


  • ✓ Governance Committees Charters
  • ✓ Policies
  • ✓ Board and C-suite awareness programs
  • I - Risk Identification

    ✓ Definition/review of the Risk Library

    ✓ RCSA (Risk and Control Self-Assessment) Workshop sessions with top management to identify and reflect on their top risks

    ✓ Loss Data analysis to identify Risk trends

    II - Risk Appetite

    ✓ Board and C-suite workshops on realistic risk appetite

    ✓ risk appetite Governance charters and policies

    ✓ Senior Management and line management workshops on Risk appetite definition

    ✓ Risk appetite and tolerance limits

    ✓ KRI definition and control requirements for the Risk Appetite

    ✓ Dashboards for Monitoring risk appetite tolerance and limits

    III - Risk Assessment

    ✓ Planning, support and implementation of RCSA, management and reporting

    ✓ identification, selection, quantification, validation and reporting

    ✓ Historical Loss Data and Operational Risk Events Analysis for RCSA calibration

    IV - Risk Mitigation

    ✓ Control Library

    ✓ Definition/Review of key controls

    ✓ Control testing framework

    ✓ action plans

    ✓ BCP and DRP Policies and Procedures

    ✓ Review of Insurance Coverage

    V - Risk Monitoring

    ✓ Governance charters, Policies and Procedures on Risk Reporting and Monitoring

    ✓ Definition/Review of preventive/Leading KRIs

    ✓ Risk Dashboards on risk profiles

    ✓ Root cause analysis of events

    VI - Conduct

    ✓ awareness training programs

    ✓ Definition/Review of preventive/Leading KRIs

    ✓ support in enhancing the Risk Culture throughout the organization